Eric Stener Sanofi Pasteur

Eric Stener

Eric Stener Sanofi Pasteur

After 17 years in manufacturing, of which 10 years as head of filling and lyophilized injectable products, he joined Sanofi in 2006, as Quality Head of one Sanofi Distribution center.

From there, he moved to Sanofi Global Quality Supply Chain. Eric was in charge of ensuring that sites comply with Good Distribution Practices, to ensure the implementation of Sanofi quality policy for the selection of sub-contracted distribution sites during tenders, to perform audits of subcontractors, to provide expertise and support on distribution topics and to perform quality reviews for group distribution sites based in Europe.

In 2014, Eric moved to to the Sanofi Pasteur entity to implement an End to End Quality Supply Chain that covers all GDP topics regarding supply of raw materials for vaccines, storage and shipments of intermediates and finished products.

He has experience in temperature controlled distribution (transportation qualification for active and passive systems), validation of a cold room, temperature excursion management, strategy of temperature qualification during transportation.

Eric is an internal qualified auditor for GDP activities and performs at least one audit per year of sub contracted distribution activities.