Gorazd Hribar, PhD Lek, A Sandoz Company

Gorazd Hribar, PhD

Gorazd Hribar, PhD Lek, A Sandoz Company

Gorazd Hribar has a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, which he received in 2009 at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He joined Sandoz Biopharmaceuticals in 2012 as a scientist in Downstream Process Development and currently he is also project manager of EU funded project entitled ‘’Next-generation biopharmaceutical downstream process’’. Previously he was employed as a researcher at National Institute of Chemistry in Slovenia, where he was also a vice-president of Board of Governors. His current focus is on development of biosimilars and continuous manufacturing. He is also a co-founder of IchorLabs d.o.o., biotech company.