Joseph Woodring, DO, MPH, MTM&H, FACPM CDC
Joseph Woodring, DO, MPH, MTM&H, FACPM CDC
Dr. Woodring is a recognized subject matter expert in tropical medicine, epidemiology and emergency preparedness with over 13 years of experience in the uniformed services. He served as the Preventive Medicine Consultant in the U.S. Army for 90,000 troops throughout Iraq for 12 months in 2010 and 42,000 troops in Bavaria, Germany in 2011-2012. After transferring into the U.S. Public Health Service to begin CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service fellowship program, Dr. Woodring now oversees the process, safety and exam report findings for approximately 5,000 annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) participants. He deployed as a county-level medical epidemiologist for CDC’s Liberia Ebola response in October 2014, working with local nationals, United Nations agencies and DoD on surveillance, contact tracing and data management. At that time, 60 to 80 daily cases of Ebola were being nationally confirmed. He later deployed to Sierra Leone in April 2015 to lead a district-level CDC-sponsored Ebola vaccine trial, training and managing over 120 local national staff at three vaccine sites while maintaining proper clinical standards and management. There, he also trained new CDC staff on the vaccine protocol, recruited over 500 vaccine participants and helped launch two of the five vaccine sites.