Luisa Gregori, PhD Food and Drug Administration

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Luisa Gregori, PhD Food and Drug Administration

Dr. Gregori is a Senior Investigator and Head of the TSE blood Safety Team in the laboratory of bacterial and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) Agents, Division of Transfusion-Transmitted Diseases in the Office of Blood Research and Review at FDA. Dr. Gregori has more than 15 years of experience in TSE diseases. Her area of expertise is on detection and removal of TSE infectivity from biologicals using animal and biochemical assays. More recently she has focused on in vitro tests to detect the abnormal prion protein in plasma. Dr. Gregori has published extensively in prestigious international peer-reviewed journals on TSE infectivity in blood, plasma, urine. Her research findings were presented at international and national scientific meetings.