Manisha Trivedi, PhD Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission

Manisha Trivedi, PhD

Manisha Trivedi, PhD Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission

Manisha Trivedi is a licensed pharmacist, with a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (India).

She has been with the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission since 2012 and has served in variety of scientific roles including scientific and regulatory compliance activities related to the development and maintenance of reference standards for active pharmaceutical ingredients and impurities included in Indian Pharmacopoeia. Drafting monographs, general chapters, method development as well as verification, she has also been providing hands on training for various analytical instruments to government analysts, drug inspectors, analysts of small and medium enterprises(SME) in pharma, research scholars, students and other international delegates.

She is Deputy Quality Manager in the Reference Standard Division of IPC to ensure compliance with ISO 17025, ISO 17034 (Reference Material Producer) and ISO 17043 (Proficiency Testing Provider).