Mateja Urlep TikhePharma

Mateja Urlep

Mateja Urlep TikhePharma

Mateja Urlep, a globally recognised biosimilars expert, established TikhePharma in 2009, following her 20-year pharmaceutical industry career.

Her executive experience and rich expertise in pharmaceutical industry is spread across development, manufacturing and marketing functions. With this, she holds an ideal position to advice clients who work in the field of biologics and biosimilars, or have a need to respond to this emerging field.

Formerly, as one of the senior executives in Sandoz Biopharmaceuticals leadership team, she played a substantial role in implementing a compelling biosimilars business programme for Sandoz group. She successfully led the most prominent global development of »Biosimilar EPO Project«. Moreover, under her leadership, "a new class" of biosimilar medicines (Omnitrope (hGH), Binocrit (EPO) and Zarzio (GCSF) respectively) was introduced in EU. Her leadership was crucial to address the acceptance of this new class of products globally.

At present our client base already comprises all of leading global pharmaceutical companies. Her company aspiration is to enable better accessibility to state-of-the-art medicines through catalysing internalization of innovative business models and cutting-edge technologies in to daily practice of pharmaceuticals companies and health-care sector.