Raphael Bar, PhD BR Consulting

Raphael Bar, PhD

Raphael Bar, PhD BR Consulting

Raphael (Raphy) Bar (Ph.D. in Chemistry 1984) is presently a pharmaceutical consultant for the Pharma and bio-Pharma industries. He consults various companies and provides development and analytical support to investigational, generic, new drugs as well as combination device-drug products. After a postdoc in biochemical engineering at University of Virginia, USA, he joined the Hebrew University as a Lecturer in the Biotechnology program. He then joined the pharmaceutical industry (Teva Ltd., Pharmos Ltd.) to manage analytical R&D and QC laboratories. Bar has provided training courses to the pharma industry for the last 10 years on analytical method development and validation, GMP-related issues and statistical evaluation of laboratory data and environmental monitoring data. He has been past-president and presently is a board member of Israel PDA chapter. He was a member of the scientific advisory board of PDA during 2009 to 2015.