Robert S. Bozzone, PhD, MS Pharm Lifecycle Validation LLC

Robert S.  Bozzone, PhD, MS

Robert S. Bozzone, PhD, MS Pharm Lifecycle Validation LLC

Scott Bozzone's experience in industry started in 1979, and encompassed 3 large firms, in R&D and Corporate Quality/Validation roles (Revlon Health Care, Warner Lambert and Pfizer).  About half of my career has been in R&D Formulation/Process Development and half in corporate validation (primarily process and cleaning) and quality function. Some of the highlights of my career have been scientist or leading of formulation/process development teams for several key drug products; Director Validation for Warner-Lambert at quality critical times; Serving as Global Employee living overseas for 4+ years in Cork, Ireland (1999-2003); and more recently leading Pfizer’s Global Validation Community of Practice and developing policies and standards on validation for many years.

I retired from Pfizer in 2016 and involved with volunteering and part-time consulting (Pharm Lifecycle Validation).   Volunteer work is primarily with PDA as a member for over 36 yrs., serving two terms on SAB (6 yrs.: 2013-2019) and as Process Validation IG co-lead for 10 yrs.  Also been involved as teaching for TRI, primarily on validation.  Other minor volunteering is with PQRI MTC (Mfg. Tech Committee) and ISPE (reviewer & long-term member).

My education is BS (Chemistry), MS (Pharmaceutics) and Ph.D. (Industrial Pharmacy).