Ronald J. Pettis, PhD BD

Ronald J. Pettis, PhD

Ronald J. Pettis, PhD BD

Dr. Ronald Pettis is currently the Director of the Translational and Clinical Sciences Center of Excellence, and Principal Scientist at BD Technologies, the BD corporate R&D center. There he leads translational evaluation of numerous medical device systems focused on high volume delivery, diabetes management, and vascular access. He has over 30 years of successful development experience in parenteral drug delivery systems, pharmaceutical formulations, pre-clinical pharmacology, first-in-man clinical trials, and biological, protein and analytical chemistry. He has designed and performed over 40 translational human clinical trials for device feasibility, PK/PD, and medical imaging. He has been twice honored with BD’s Howe Award, their highest technical achievement recognition, is the holder of 40 issued US patents, and author of numerous journal articles in the field of drug delivery. He received his BS in chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and MS and PhD in Chemistry from the University of NC at Chapel Hill.