Sol Ruiz, PhD Spanish Medicines Agency

Sol Ruiz, PhD

Sol Ruiz, PhD Spanish Medicines Agency

Sol Ruiz is the head of the Unit of Biotechnology and Advanced Therapies at the Spanish Medicines Agency.

Sol received her PhD in Biology (Immunology) in 1997 after completing a 3-year research project in the Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of California Irvine (CA, USA).

She has been the Spanish representative in the BWP (Biologics Working Party) at the EMA (European Medicines Agency) since 1997 and vice-chair of the group since September 2007. Sol is also the Spanish representative in the CAT (Committee for Advanced Therapies) and a co-opted member of the CHMP (Committee for Human Medicinal Products) at the EMA.

Sol regularly participates in several working groups related to biotechnological/biological products and advanced therapies both at the EMA and at the European Pharmacopoeia. She has been involved as an assessor in the TSE Certification system at the European Pharmacopoeia since the beginning (2000-present) and she has been the chairperson of Technical Advisory Board of this TSE Certification scheme since then (2001-present). Sol is a long term member of PDA Europe's program planning committees for the ATMPs, Virus and Monoclonal Antibody conferences.