Yongchao Su, PhD Merck & Co., Inc.

Yongchao Su, PhD

Yongchao Su, PhD Merck & Co., Inc.

Dr. Su is a Principal Scientist in Analytical Research and Development at Merck & Co, Inc. and an analytical lead in high-concentration and subcutaneous biological product development. In his research, advanced tools are utilized to investigate the molecular basis of drug delivery and stability. He teaches as an adjunct faculty member in the Colleague of Pharmacy at the University of Texas at Austin, Purdue University, and University of Connecticut. Yongchao received postdoctoral training at MIT after his Ph.D. at Iowa State University in the United States. He is a member in Physical Analysis Expert Committee in United States Pharmacopeia (USP), a Board member of Eastern Analytical Symposium, and Co-vice Chair of Gordon Research Conference on molecular structure elucidation. He currently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Research, Molecular Pharmaceuticals, and Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and as an Editor of the section on protein conformation for Amino Acids. He has contributed over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and is a co-inventor of patents on the drug development of Islatravir™ and Keytruda™