Zhihao Peter Qiu, PhD FDA

Zhihao Peter Qiu, PhD

Zhihao Peter Qiu, PhD FDA

Dr. Peter Qiu is the Division Director (acting) of the Division of Microbiology Assessment in the Office of Process and Facilities, CDER, FDA, where he manages microbiology review for INDs, NDAs, ANDAs, BLAs, and the pre-license inspection program for CDER regulated biotech products. Previously, He served as a Branch Chief the Division of Inspectional Assessment within OPF and in the Biotech Manufacturing Assessment Branch in the Office of Compliance in CDER. Dr. Qiu joined FDA as a facility reviewer and pre-license inspection investigator in the Office of Compliance and Biologic Quality, CBER. He then joined the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) as an Associate Director in the Division of Chemistry and Toxicology Devices.

Dr. Qiu received his Ph.D. degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Southern California.