Andrew Watson CBE Pty Ltd (Asia Pacific)

Andrew has a Chemical Engineering degree and 25 years' experience in the design, construction, commissioning, validation and operation of a wide range high tech facilities, including pharmaceutical manufacturing, high containment, industrial cleanroom, hospital pharmacy and specialist research facilities.

As a consultant, Andrew specializes in identifying pathways and solutions to issues of design, compliance, quality and safety. His experience extends to facility layout, design, construction techniques and utility design such as HVAC and purified water, processing and project management – encompassing all aspects of FDA, EU-TGA-PIC/S, local and international standards and general quality practices. Andrew has performed gap analyses on many pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities and sterile/cytotoxic dispensing suites to assess all aspects of compliance. Andrew is a past president of ISPE (Australia) and is an active member of local and international standards committees and independent Chair of ME-060 (Cleanroom Standards) for Standards Australia.