Annick Vandercammen, PhD GSK Vaccines

Annick Vandercammen is Head of Microbial Drug Substance at GSK Vaccines, Technical Research and Development. Annick joined GSK Vaccines Downstream Process Group in 2001. She led the development of purification processes for a dozen of polysaccharides and a wide variety of antigens expressed in different expression systems.

Over the last couple of years, she has coordinated the implementation of QbD tools during Stage I process validation in Technical R&D. After the acquisition of Novartis Vaccines by GSK in 2015, she was involved in the QbD Integration initiative as leader of the Process Understanding workstream.

Annick was also a key contributor to the A-Vax Case Study on QbD applied to vaccines.

She holds a Master’s degree in Bioengineering from the University of Louvain, Belgium and a PhD in the field of enzymology and carbohydrate metabolism.