CAPT Alicia Mozzachio FDA

CAPT Alicia Mozzachio is currently the Branch Chief for the International Compliance Branch 1 within the Division of International Drug Quality (DIDQ), Office of Manufacturing and Product Quality (OMPQ), Office of Compliance (OC). Alicia’s branch is responsible for evaluating FDA’s international drug inspection reports and determining the actions to be taken against firms failing to comply with CGMPs.

Alicia has been with the FDA and PHS for 19 years in various job roles (investigator and compliance officer) and locations. She began her career as a junior level investigator with FDA shortly after graduating from Temple University School of Pharmacy in Philadelphia, PA. Alicia distinguished herself as a Drug Specialist within her organization before accepting a new position with CDER’s then known Foreign Inspection Team.

Alicia has been a member of the FDA Course Advisory Group for FDA’s Basic Drug School since 2009, teaching new investigators the basics of conducting drug inspections. She is recognized as a subject matter expert in the areas of cleaning validation, topical drug products, clinical significance and APIs. She has also given numerous presentations at national and international conferences. Most recently, she presented at the PIC/S API conference in Singapore and the ECA conference in Dusseldorf.