David M. Pappa, MS Eli Lilly and Company

David Pappa is Director of Technical Services/Manufacturing Science at Eli Lilly and Company.  Mr. Pappa holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering and Masters of Science degree in Industrial Pharmacy.  He has over 25 years of experience in pharmaceutical drug product manufacturing and development. He has been part of Eli Lilly’s Continuous Manufacturing effort with special focus on drug product processing, since the early days of this effort. He has been deeply involved in the successful implementation of Lilly’s oral solid dose Continuous Manufacturing sets, which have been replicated across three Lilly Development and Manufacturing sites. Mr. Pappa holds expertise in various aspects of the Continuous Manufacturing platform including business strategy, process and facility design, control strategy as well as quality and process validation. Additionally, Mr. Pappa leads Lilly’s team overseeing external advocacy efforts for Continuous Manufacturing.