Maik Guttzeit, Dipl. Ing. Bayer AG

He was nearly 20 year at GEA Lyophil as Team Leader Validation and Project Manager.

Since 2018 Maik works at Bayer. First as Technology Manager Sterile & Aseptic, where he was responsible for establishing global equipment standards and support of aseptic technical solutions. Since May 2019 he is the lead for the Lyo in STE1 project (robotized liquid line) in Berlin.

Since 2020 until now he is Principal Expert C&Q (Commisioning & Qualification) Concepts for development of global C&Q concepts and standardization of qualification activities. During all his time, he was active at GAMP D-A-Ch Committee and ASME BPE. He is also doing presentations at conferences and training courses e.g. ECA.

Maik has also published several publications in different technical magazines.