Peter Bruegger Lonza AG Basel

After study of Microbiology in Basel Peter Bruegger does additional studies in Environmental Hygiene and Biostatistics at the university Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France, and at the Endocrinological Institute of Heidelberg, Germany.

In 1978, he became Head of Laboratory at Ciba Geigy, Stein, Switzerland. Since 1997 he has been Unit Head QA/QC at Novartis, Basel (CH). In 2008 he became QC Expert for Biological Analytics at Novartis, Technical Operations / Quality Assurance.

Since 2008 delegate for Swissmedic as member of the Bacterial Endotoxins Test and Monocyte Activation Test Working Party (BET) at the EDQM in Strasbourg.

Today,  Head of Bioassay & Microbiology at Lonza AG Switzerland. One major topic is the introduction of a robust methodology for MAT with the goal to replace the rabbit pyrogen test.