Rebeca Rodriguez FDA

Rebeca Rodríguez is a National Drug Expert Investigator from the Office of Medical Products and Tobacco Program Operations, Office of Regulatory Affairs, FDA, Rockville, MD. Ms. Rodríguez has served in several positions since she joined FDA in 1989: Chemist, Investigator, Drug Specialist Investigator, and National Drug Expert Investigator. She also worked as a Chemist for a pharmaceutical company before joining FDA. She received her BS in Chemistry from the University of Puerto Rico and is certified as a Quality Engineer by the American Society for Quality (ASQ). She has been a member of FDA's Foreign Inspection Cadre since 1993, and has conducted inspections of pharmaceutical, biotech, APIs and medical device manufacturers in several countries of Europe, South America, Australia and Asia. She is certified as member of FDA’s Pharmaceutical Inspectorate. She has participated in numerous conferences and training to the pharmaceutical and medical device industries and to regulators, both in the US and internationally. Her current responsibilities include conducting inspections and training FDA staff.