Renate Rosengarten, Prof. DVM PhD Mycoplasma Biosafety Services

Prof. Renate Rosengarten’s career originated from science and research through her work in academia which has been marked by a continuous interest in the infection biology of mycoplasmas, and their detection, prevention and controlf or more than 40 years.

Her passion for mycoplasmas took her to the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover in Germany, the University of Missouri-Columbia in the US, and the Hadassah Medical School of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. Since 1996, she has been Professor and Chair of Bacteriology and Hygiene at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna in Austria.

In addition to her academic duties as lecturer, reviewer, committee and advisory board member, Prof. Rosengarten serves as an independent mycoplasma expert, key opinion leader and consultant for biopharma and biotech companies under her own international brand Mycosafe®