Renske ten Ham, PhD University Medical Center Utrecht

Renske ten Ham is an assistant professor at the UMC Utrecht in the Netherlands and specializes in health economics & health technology assessment (HTA) of Regenerative Medecines. Trained as a pharmacist and with an MSc in HTA, she holds a PhD in Drug Innovation titled: “Development, market authorization and market access of gene- and cell-based therapies”.

Over the years Renske conducted research at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), spend time at the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG-MEB) and National Healthcare Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland) and collaborated with several research groups, amongst which the Center of Health Economics at the University of York.

At the Julius Center Renske strives to increase translation of (academic) regenerative medicinal products, in particular gene and cell-based therapies towards implementation in healthcare services to facilitate patient access. In doing so her research focusses on payment models, development cost, (early) economic evaluations and business models. She aims to contribute to better understanding of the fit between (radical) innovative therapies and existing development frameworks. This is not only relevant for transformative therapies nearing market access but also for future biomedical innovations.