Robert S. Bozzone, PhD, MS Pharm Lifecycle Validation LLC

Scott Bozzone's experience in industry started in 1979, and encompassed 3 large firms, in R&D and Corporate Quality/Validation roles (Revlon Health Care, Warner Lambert and Pfizer).  About half of my career has been in R&D Formulation/Process Development and half in corporate validation (primarily process and cleaning) and quality function. Some of the highlights of my career have been scientist or leading of formulation/process development teams for several key drug products; Director Validation for Warner-Lambert at quality critical times; Serving as Global Employee living overseas for 4+ years in Cork, Ireland (1999-2003); and more recently leading Pfizer’s Global Validation Community of Practice and developing policies and standards on validation for many years.

I retired from Pfizer in 2016 and involved with volunteering and part-time consulting (Pharm Lifecycle Validation).   Volunteer work is primarily with PDA as a member for over 36 yrs., serving two terms on SAB (6 yrs.: 2013-2019) and as Process Validation IG co-lead for 10 yrs.  Also been involved as teaching for TRI, primarily on validation.  Other minor volunteering is with PQRI MTC (Mfg. Tech Committee) and ISPE (reviewer & long-term member).

My education is BS (Chemistry), MS (Pharmaceutics) and Ph.D. (Industrial Pharmacy).