Ursula Lauer TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH

Name: Dr. rer. nat. Ursula Lauer Role: Senior Product Specialist, Medical Device Lead Auditor and Technical Certifier at Notified Body Company: TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH Studying biology at University of Kaiserslautern focusing on biotechnology, cell biology and zoology. I did my PhD thesis in a joined research project with a Global Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic Company working in the field of natural compounds for inhibition of platelet aggregation in animal and human blood and investigation of signaling pathways in bovine and human thrombocytes. Having finished my thesis, I worked as post doc at university and later for several years as a scientist and project leader in biotechnology industries. During this work I obtained further specific experience with animal and human cells and antibodies. In 2003 I joined TÜV SÜD Product Service. My responsibilities at TÜV are performance of conformity assessments for non-active medical devices utilizing animal origin materials or human blood derivatives. Examples for those devices are absorbable soft tissue implants, antibody solutions, immune adsorbers, scaffolds for tissue engineering, biological heart valves. One major aspect related with these kinds of assessments is virus and TSE safety of animal and human origin including human blood derivatives utilized.