Training: Live Sessions

Live Session

November 15, 2022. [1 hour: 26 minutes]  Watch Recording

Intro / Overview

  • [5 mins] Intro - process for getting into new Sitefinity.
  • [3 mins] Review new interface. Newer display of 'Pages' (more actions vs three dots). new way to reorder pages in the navigation.
  • [3 mins] Quick overview of Home page elements. 
  • [5 mins] Understand the functionality of the Global Event Calendar
  • [10] See where the custom model pages  are from the wireframes , and see how to ‘duplicate’ the *model pages:
  • --Search Results
  • --Event List and Detail
  • --Glossary
  • --PDA Letter
  • --Bookstore
  • --Topic Area*
  • --Marketing and Membership Landing pages*

Managing the new website

  • [3 mins] How to use 'Title & Properties' to set the correct parent page (changing the navigation) and if desired users can edit the title and URL. 
  • [10 mins] Editing content in Content Blocks.
  • ---Show the location of Style-Guide, intro to it's use with the Sitefinity formatting bar to apply styles and layouts in WYSIWYG editor.
  • --- Add a section header and apply a Heading 2 style using the Format drop down. 
  • --- Apply bullets to a list - makes the content more readable
  • --- Add a link to an external website and set the link to open in a new page.
  • --- Add a link to an internal page. And style the links as a button using the Format drop down.
  • --- Add a link to a document
  • --- Insert an image and style it with Image Left or Image Right using the Format drop down
  • [20 mins] Q&A



Examples of helpful 404 pages:

Example of a helpful 500 page:

Example of a helpful 403 page: