PDA Letters (Cards)

2020 Board of Directors

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Joint PDA, IPEC TR Addresses Risk Assessments for Excipients

Eva M. Urban, CSL Behring and M. Schousboe, Novo Nordisk

PDA NE Chapter Enjoys a Day at the Lake

Laurie Masiello, President and CEO, Masy Bioservices, and President, PDA New England Chapter

ICH Q9: Quality Risk Management Revisions on Horizon

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Conference Proves “Virtually” Stimulating

Rebecca Kelly, National University of Ireland

FDA Panel Addresses EtO Sterilization

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Volunteers Needed for PDA Quality Culture Standard

Christine Alston-Roberts, PDA

Plunging into Six Sigma

Stephenie Overman

Add Sherlock Holmes to Your Investigation Team

Tony Cundell, PhD, Microbiological Consulting, LLC

Get Your Data Integrity Basics Down for Success

Silvia Martins, Five Validation

Robotics and Big Data Key to Lab of the Future

Peter Crane, Synthace

PDA Comments: PDA Input on USP 2020-2025 Revision Cycle

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

How to Qualify Your Disinfectants

Michael Hodgkinson, Orvera Scientific

FDA Takes Close Look at Innovation

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

PDA Comments: PDA Responds to EMA Combo Product Reg

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

An Inside Look at the 2019 PDA Quality Week

Eva Urban, CSL Behring, Susan Schniepp, Regulatory Compliance Associates, Lori Richter, ValSource, and Ghada Haddad, Merck

Strategic Application of Advanced Analytics for CGT Development

Jennifer Chadwick, PhD, BioAnalytix

Tri-Spine Crab Now on Endangered List

James F. Cooper

Spotlight on Packaging Regulations and CCI

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Can We Reprogram the Human Computer?

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA