PDA Letters (Cards)

PDA Comments: Suggestions for FDA Voluntary Recalls Doc

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Publishing Intern Expands Horizons at PDA

Madeline Cusick, Georgetown University

Conference Puts Human Face on Cell and Gene Therapies

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Incorporating QRM into Cell and Gene Therapy Processes

Lori Richter, ValSource, and Ghada Haddad, Merck

Avoid Unmixed Process Solutions

Dosung Kim, Jeonghun Kim, Kwangjun Yoon, Denis Rigolet and Anthony R. Newcombe, Polus, Inc.

Life Science Panel Discusses Career Journeys

Christy Wong, Keck Graduate Institute, Student Chapter Communication Chairperson, PDA Southern California Chapter

Are Your RMM Organisms Reflective of Your Process?

Irving Ford, Celgene

PUPSIT and the Annex 1 Revision

Tina Morris, PDA, Maik Jornitz, G-Con, Gabriele Gori, GSK, and Hal Baseman, ValSource

Ready for the Pharma of Tomorrow?

Melissa Seymour, Biogen, and Aaron Goerke, PhD, Roche

Supporting the Quality Risk Management Framework

Denyse Baker, AstraZeneca, and Steven Mendivil, Quality Beyond Compliance

Human Error Causes OOS Investigation

Rebecca Stauffer and Madeline Cusick, PDA

Volunteer Opportunities Abound!

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Why is the EU Medical Device Regulation So Critical?

Olivia Henderson, PhD, and Kesley Gallagher, Amgen

PDA Comments: Concerns About USP <1235> Revision

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Lifecycle Approach Wipes Away Cleaning Validation Concerns

Raji Vathyam

Student Learns Firsthand About Industry

David O’Loughlin, Maynooth University

Exciting Lineup of Speakers at the 2019 PDA/FDA JRC

PDA/FDA Joint Regulatory Conference planning committee

Another Perspective on rFC

Allen Burgenson, Lonza

SE Chapter Helps Students Build Bridge to Future

Renee Morley, Chapter President, PDA Southeast Chapter

ISO 22519: A Flawed and Counterproductive Standard

A Team of Pharmaceutical Water Experts