PDA Letters (Cards)

Regulatory Concerns Drive New Developments in Glass Packaging

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

An Overview of Container Closure Integrity

Qingyu Zeng, PhD, West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.

Current Perspectives on the Monocyte Activation Test

Djikolngar Maouyo, Pyrodex

Innovative Tech Drives Drug Shortage Solutions

Robert Guidos, Corning

Are You (and Pharma) Ready for the Future?

Karen Walker, Seattle Genetics, and Tia Bush, Amgen

India Chapter Gets Hands-On with CCI Tech

Biny Joseph, Vienni Training and Consulting

EMA's Amsterdam Move Reflects Larger Trend

Toni Manzano, bigfinite

Holistic Verification Requires a New Mindset

David Hubmayr, CSL Behring

Industry and Regulators Convene to Address Vaccines Challenges

Industry 4.0 and Drug Manufacturing

Walter Alexander

FDA's ORA Realignment, MRA, NIPP, Concept of Operations: How it All Fits Together

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Hidden Contamination in Starting Materials

Annette Kirsch, PhD, Merck KGaA

Process, Interrupted

Fatima Hasanain, Polymer Materials Specialist, Nordion (Canada) Inc.

Thanks for the Warning Letter: Part I

Steven Lynn, Lynn Consulting, LLC

Reconstitution and Storage Times for Lyo Products

Tony Cundell, PhD, Microbiological Consulting, LLC

Glass Breakage in Pharmaceutical Packaging

Carina Bronnbauer, PhD, SCHOTT

Risk Management Shines Light on ICH Q12 Use for Biologics

Jose C. Menezes, PhD, 4Tune Engineering

PDA Forms New Chapter in Pacific Northwest

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Modular Manufacturing Begins to Take Hold

David Pittman

West Coast Chapter Hosts Women in Biopharma Panel

Lori Richter, ValSource